A fully customised arena you can be proud of
Whether you are working with the current generation of Olympians, or nurturing the next generation, we can design and build a fully customised arena for you. From beginners to experts, no matter who is using your complex, our knowledge and experience in this industry will ensure you have an arena you can be proud of.

The space
A bespoke indoor jumping arena allows you plenty of room to coach, practice cavaletti exercises or set up your own jumping alley or grids. We can factor in enclosed bays for all your equipment: like poles, wings, mounting blocks and arena rakes, while keeping your arena protected from the elements and your surface in great year-round condition.
We work closely with you to understand your needs. Our designs include open sided, partially enclosed and fully enclosed arenas to suit the local weather. We can even build over existing arenas. Whichever style you choose, it will feature abundant natural lighting and prioritise both horse and rider safety.
Whether you’re building for private, educational or commercial purposes, our specialist consultants will recommend innovative ways to ensure your building is fit for purpose. The fabrication processes we perform on all our steel columns and trusses ensure your arena is attractively finished and structurally sound, requiring minimal maintenance for years to come.

Strong partnerships with equestrian industry experts
A strong, stunning building is really just the start, and what goes inside it is just as important as the outside. Our years of experience in this trade has meant that we have developed close-knit relationships with many other companies in this industry that perfectly complement the work we do.
"I cannot express enough our complete satisfaction in your work. We are pretty fussy and believe me, we looked for something to criticise. A year later we haven't found anything"

Featured indoor jumping arena project case study
Wanting a safe and aesthetically pleasing structural solution, our client opted to include our signature Equinarail kickrail system in the arena. We liaised with them to design the kickrail openings and gates to be in the most practical spots for use and location.
2 min read
How to build a riding arena for horse training and exercise
2 min read
What you need to know about the latest construction trends
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