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With a solution-focused approach, we collaborate closely with clients and consultant teams to align on scope, time frames, design objectives, and cost. We’re committed to delivering a strong return on your investment. Are you interested in our work in the commercial and industrial sectors?

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Feature case study

Andrew Whale shearing shed 1_gallery

Our client, a vet and sheep farmer, needed a shearing shed and yard cover designed for efficiency and innovation. Partnering with our team, he collaborated with fit-out providers to create two custom steel structures tailored to his farm’s needs. His farm is now equipped for better working conditions and long-term success.

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Feature article
Andrew Whale shearing shed 1_tile

Providing Industry-Leading Steel Building Solutions 

Central Steel Build, committed to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, has solidified its reputation as an industry leader. We're revolutionising agricultural structures, and transforming how farmers and producers approach building solutions. If you’re interested in our work in the agricultural sector, read the article to discover how we’re transforming building solutions.

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Latest case study
Oritech combined office and warehouse 1_tile

Oritech combined office and warehouse

Oritech Pty Ltd partnered with us to build a modern office and warehouse facility in Mitchell Park, Victoria. The design featured innovative L-shaped tilt panels for both function and style. Using our Pro. building approach, we delivered a durable, cost-effective, high-quality solution. Seamless collaboration ensured the project was completed on time and within budget.

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We bring care and expertise to the way we engineer and build. We commit to every detail of every project until it's perfect. We strive for continuous improvement of our processes. That’s how we ensure that your project is our absolute best.

When it comes down to it, your structure is a new space for your passion, and we do everything we can to build a structure that enhances your life. Take a look at some of our projects in progress across Australia.

JCH Mechanical Services, Strathdale

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Ley Building, Maddingley

Chemical storage room
Chemical storage room

Wise farm, Tenandra

Fodder storage shed
Fodder storage shed

Dimech farm, Melton

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Lewis farm, Lah

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Sloane farm, Garvoc

Rotary dairy building
Rotary dairy building

Brown farm, Kirkstall

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

MKM building, Invermay Park

Industrial warehouse
MKM Construction Oz Ten Pin

Trans Tank International, Nathalia

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Bently equestrian complex, Bunding

Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex
Indoor dressage arena and stable complex

Heagley farm, Brocklesby

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

G&K O'Connor, Pakenham

Production and manufacturing facility
Production and manufacturing facility

B2B Project & Construction, Ballarat

Industrial storage
B2B Project & Construction – Industrial storage

Cleland hangar, Flametree

Aircraft hangar
  Aircraft Hangar

Mckinley farm, Marong

Hay shed
Hay stock shed

Watergrass Hill Angus, Drouin South

Machinery shed
Watergrass Hill Angus Sheree Wells – machinery shed

Hargraves stable, Belanglo

Stable complex
Stable complex

B2B Project & Construction, Echuca

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse

Collins farm, Bridgewater

Hay shed
hay shed

McNaulty farm, Kooreh

Hay shed
Hay shed

Regional Livestock Exchange, Gunnedah

Saleyard cover
Gunnedah saleyard cover

Grower Services, Mildura

Combined showroom and workshop
Combined showroom and workshop

Pratt arena, Manton

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

Holt building, Pittsworth

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse 02

Primary School, Kalkallo

Ball court cover
Kalkallo Primary School – ball court cover

Chambers arena, Craignish

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

Vella farm, Merimu

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Statewide Panels, Shepparton

Production and manufacturing facility
Statewide Panels – production and manufacturing facility

Coconstruct, Beaconsfield

Indoor dressage arena
Coconstruct indoor dressage arena

Buildspec Constructions, Delacombe

Combined office and warehouse
Buildspec Construction – combined office and warehouse 2

Keenan equestrian complex, Chevallum

Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex
Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex 02

Bourchier Primary School, Shepparton

Ball court cover
Ball court cover

Sutherland farm, Emerald

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Randle farm, Edenville

Machinery shed
machinery shed

Soulsby farm, Buckrabanyule

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Fowles farm, Longreach

Hay shed
Rachel Fowles – Hay shed

MKM building, Breakwater

Combined office and warehouse
MKM Construction – combined office and warehouse 03

Nelson farm, Leaghur

Hay shed
Tyler Nelson – hay shed

Southern Grains, Girgarre

Combined retail and hardware building
Campbell Brumby Southern Grains – Combined retail and hardware building

Solar farm, Girgarre

Combined office and warehouse
Giragarre Solar Farm – combined office and warehouse

Stevens farm, Northern VIC

Hay shed
Hay shed

Porthaul, Portland

Agricultural bulk storage
19877 Porthaul (James Williamson) – Agricultural bulk storage (grain storage)

Mulquiny farm, Little Billabong

Agricultural yard cover
Agricultural yard cover

Richmond farm, Wantagong

Hay shed
hay shed

Outdoor Steel Solutions, Airport West

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Morgan farm, Dublin

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Bucknall farm, Burnbank

Hay shed
Stock shed

McPherson farm, Sulky

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Brock Prime Builders, East Bendigo

Industrial warehouse
Brock Prime Builders – industrial warehouse

Moulds farm, Lamplough

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Greencon, Ballangeich

Dairy building
Machinery shed and dairy building

Overbook Warmbloods, Hamilton

Indoor dressage arena
Overbook Warmbloods – indoor dressage arena

Lake equestrian complex, Garfield

Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex
Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex

Hilltop View, Inman Valley

Dairy building
Compost barn or dairy building 03

MKM building, Inverymay

Agricultural pavilion
Agricultural pavilion 02

Ultimate Garages, Trentham

Indoor dressage arena
Ultimate Garages – Indoor dressage arena cover

Fairbrother, Golden Square

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse 03

Norbury farm, Police Track Lima

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Eddy Comelli Trading, Daylesford

Combined office and warehouse
Eddy Comelli – combined office and warehouse

Brown farm, Orrvale

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Tramways Meseum, Bendigo

Industrial depot
Industrial depot or Tram storage

Proway build, Grabben Gullen

Shearing shed
24662 Roy Reeves – shearing shed

Brock Prime, East Bendigo

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Wallaroo Caravans, Drouin South

Industrial workshop
Industrial workshop

Yean equestrian complex, Lockwood South

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Combined indoor arena and stable complex 03

ICG Construction Group, Wagga Wagga

Combined office and warehouse
ICG Construction Group – combined office and warehouse

Aurora Dairies, Wharparilla

Dairy barn buildings
Dairy barn buildings

Rigby equestrian complex, Yeodene

Stable complex
Sable complex

Macneil Group, Wendouree

Combined office and warehouse
MacNeil Group – combined office and warehouse 03

Superior Shed Market, Peachester

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

Ludeman farm, Rocklands

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Parker farm, Girgarre East

Dairy building
Dairy building

Baldwin farm, Tocumwal

Fertilizer shed
Fertilizer shed

Richards arena, Romsey

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

Kimber farm, Tennyson

Machinery shed
Hay and machinery shed

Moloney farm, Dixie

Dairy building
Rotary dairy building

Racing Club, Kilmore

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
21669 Kilmore Racing Club - combined indoor arena and stable complex 02

Tyrepower, East Bendigo

Combined workshop and retail
Combined workshop and retail 05

Malone farm, Boort

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Glendaloch Pastoral Co, Yea

Agricultural yard cover
Agricultural yard cover

M.C. Herd, Corio

Production and manufacturing facility
24714 McHerd or Hardwicks Meatworks – industrial processing or manufacturing facility

Maunder arena, Pipers Creek

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Combined indoor arena and stable complex

Unlimited Commercial, Laverton North

Industrial warehouse
Unlimited Commercial Construction – awning extension

Saligari farm, Strathlea

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Steel farm, Arnaud

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Farrell farm, Barrabool

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Tate farm, Calderwood

Dairy building
Dairy barn building

Martin arena, Romsey

Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex
Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex

Morgan farm, Dublin

Machinery shed
Machinery shed _ storage shed

Alpine Drilling, Wangaratta

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Dodson farm, Kaniva

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

GreenCon, Bookar

Hay shed
Hay shed

Johnson arena, Somers

Combined indoor dressage arena and stable complex
Indoor dressage arena and stable complex

Bender farm, Lockhart

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Whitehead Timber Sales, Wendouree

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Charters farm, Murchison

Hay shed
Hay shed

Lockhart farm, Berrimal

Shearing shed
Shearing shed

Man Civil Construction, New Gisborne

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse

MKM building, Mitchell Park

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse

Wrigley farm, Coghills Creek

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Sydes farm, Swan Hill

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Powercor, Glen Waverley

Industrial depot
Industrial depot

Polkinghorne farm, Berrimal

Machinery shed
24505 Wes Polkinghorne – machinery shed

Nicholson Group, Mitchell Park

Combined office and workshop
22406 Nicholson Group - combined showroom and workshop

Turnbull farm, Richmond Plains

Machinery shed
24776 Cameron Turnbull – machinery shed

Brown farm, Macarthur

Agricultural yard cover
23936 Graham Brown agricultural yard cover

Gardiner farm, Bulla

Agricultural workshop
Hay shed, workshop and storage shed

Cockerell arena, Buckley

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

GreenCon, Cooriemungle

Dairy building
22599 Green Con Dairy building

Dunn farm, North Blackwood

Hay shed
Stock shed hay shed

Martiniello farm, Lara

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Willersdorf farm, Lillimur

Hay shed
Hay shed

Collison farm, Myrtle Creek

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Havashed, Wagga Wagga

Industrial workshop
Industrial workshop extension

Beckett farm, Ghin Ghin

Agricultural yard cover
Agricultural yard cover

Dean farm, Beaufort

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

Smith farm, Bealiba

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Allambie Pastoral, Peak Hill

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Ham farm, Windermere

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

National Make Good Solutions, Dandenong South

Industrial warehouse
Industrial warehouse

Ross farm, Nar Nar Goon

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Ryan farm, Leeton

Agricultural workshop
Agricultural workshop

AGS Commercial, Casino

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor arena and viewing areas

Bourchier farm, Gymbowen

Shearing shed
23668 Tom Bourchier shearing shed and yard cover

Jolliffe farm, Euberta

Dairy building
Dairy barn building

Wharton farm, Gnarwarre

Agricultural yard cover
22478 Ken Wharton – Yard cover

Moon Building Group, Laverton North

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse

Johnstone farm, Bundalaguah

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Wilson farm, Collarenebri

Machinery shed
James Wilson machinery shed

Sweet farm, Creswick

Hay shed
Hay shed

Robertson farm, Simpson

Dairy building
23219 Green Con – James Green Robertson farm – Dairy building

Australian Meat Group, Cootamundra

Agricultural yard cover
16554 Australian Meat Group – Agricultural yard cover

MacJac Sheds, Burrumbuttock

Machinery shed
MacJac sheds machinery shed

Warner farm, Great Western

Shearing shed
Ollie Warner shearing shed

Turbit farm, Hopetoun

Machinery shed
 Paul Turbit machinery shed

Rogan building, Dirranbandi

Bulk storage shed
Bulk storage shed

Bunwarren Farming Co, Yendon

Dairy building
Dairy building

Global Turf, New Gisborne

Combined office and warehouse
Combined office and warehouse

Tivey farm, Metcalfe

Agricultural yard cover
Agricultural yard cover

Pollock farm, Derby

Hay shed
Hay shed

Brickle Pastoral, Yanakie

Dairy building
Dairy building

O'day farm, Werrimull

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Wallis farm, Kaniva

Agricultural workshop

Macneil Group, Alfredton

Industrial warehouse

Snowy Mt Stock & Co, Glenroy

Agricultural yard cover
Agricultural yard cover

Golden Grove Citrus, Tharbogang

Packing shed
Agricultural packing shed

Couch farm, Nullawarre

Dairy building
Leon Couch dairy barn shed.

Chua arena, Cranbourne

Indoor dressage arena
Ling Chua indoor dressage arena

Seabrook Reserve, Broadmeadows

Club room
Seabrook Reserve Pavilion recreational clubroom

McKenzie arena, Alstonville

Indoor dressage arena
Indoor dressage arena

Irvine farm, Terip Terip

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Bolden Construction, Warrnambool

Production and manufacturing facilities
Bolden Construction production and manufacturing facilities

RKM Transport, East Bendigo

Industrial warehouse shed

Wild farm, Moama

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Whale farm, Gringegalgona

Shearing shed
Shearing shed and yard cover

Kilpara Farming, Mangalore

Machinery shed
Kilpara farming machinery shed

Ienco building, Merbein

Industrial warehouse

Dyer farm, Kaniva

Machinery shed
Machinery shed

Jacobson arena, Bolinda

Indoor dressage arena
Jacobson arena indoor dressage arena

Scholes equine complex, Gisborne South

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Brian Scholes indoor arena and stables

Rinaldi farm, Moolort

Hay shed
Rinaldi farm hay shed

Lumsden farm, Leitchville

Hay shed
Scott Lumsden hay shed

Lanyon farm, Wangoom

Anthony Lanyon workshop

Kilchurn Wines, Romsey

Horticulture and viticulture sheds
Horticulture and viniculture farm shed

Invermay farms, Drouin South

Intensive animal husbandry
Neil Lane calving shed

Powercor, Keysborough

Combined office and logistics depot
Powercor combined office and logistics depot

Riordan farm, Mt Hope

Hay shed
Riordan hay shed

McGibbon farm, Main Ridge

Gary McGibbon workshop

Spiers farm, Lower Norton

Machinery shed
Gregory Speirs machinery shed

Best farm, Trentham

Machinery shed
Simon Best machinery shed

Ridley Stockfeeds, Gunbower

Bulk storage shed
Ridley Stockfeeds bulk storage shed

Fletcher farm, Eurimbla

Jason Fletcher workshop

Punton farm, Woodstock on Loddon

Shearing shed
Nick Punton shearing shed

Keans Poultry, East Bendigo

Keans Poultry industrial factory

Lewis farm, Hawkesdale

Agricultural yard cover
Paul Lewis agricultural yard cover

Glenbank Farm. Finley

Dairy building
Kristen Clark dairy barn

Guinan farm, Mathoura

Machinery shed
Ross Guinan machinery shed

Dikkenberg arena, Nar Nar Goon North

Indoor dressage arena
Anita Dikkenberg indoor dressage arena

Parkinsons farm, Ballangeich

Dairy building
Parkinsons Farm Dairy building

Country Fire Authority, Ballan

Emergency services building
Ballan CFA

Schembri farm, Exford

Machinery shed
Roger Schembri machinery shed

Water Treatment Plant, Finley

Industrial storage
Finley Water Treatment Plant industrial storage

Inland Cranes, Iymple

Machinery shed
Wayne Heaysman machinery shed

Chambers farm, Rutherglen

Hay shed
Joel Chambers hay shed

Visy, Coolaroo

Visy factory

Light farm, Goroke

Machinery shed
Paul Light hay shed

Cassar farm, Mount Cottrell

Brian Cassar workshop

Fragapane equine complex, Werribee South

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Andrew Fragapane combined indoor arena and stable complex  5

Williamson farm, Fraser Island

Machinery shed
Craig Williamson machinery shed

AGS Commercial, Thurgoona

AGS Commercial warehouse

Pyrenees Hay Processers, Avoca

Hay shed
Andrew Coakers hay shed extension

Kydd Family farm, Myrtle Park

Dairy building
Neville Kydd dairy building

Primary School, Huntly

Ball court cover
Huntly Primary School ball court cover

O'Connor custom units, Ararat

Architectural portal framed house
Craig O'Connor architectural portal framed house

DLG Aluminium and Glazing, Thurgoona

Combined office and manufacturing building
DLG Aluminium and Glazing - Combined office and manufacturing buildings 9

Plageman equine complex, Colbrook

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Hayley Plageman indoor dressage arena

Wandana Agriculture, Simpson

Machinery shed
David Taylor machinery shed

Metroid Electrical Engineering, Golden Square

Combined office and manufacturing building
Steve Weeks combined office and manufacturing building

Lord farm, Strathbogie

Machinery shed
Craig Lord machinery shed

Archer farm, Ravenswood South

Machinery shed
Anne Archer machinery shed

Boyle equestrian complex, Scone

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Robyn Boyle combined indoor arena and stable complex

Primary School, Kallista

Ball court cover
Kallista Primary School ball court cover

Banks arena, Quorrobolong

Indoor dressage arena
Fiona and Simon Banks indoor dressage arena

Findlay Farms, Taldora

William Kinghorn workshop

Qanstruct, Bailieston

Hay shed
Mark Ruff hay shed

Farrell farm, Woolsthorpe

Hay shed
Pheobe Farrell hay shed

Polkinghorne farm, Berrimal

Bulk storage shed
Wes Polkinghorne bulk storage shed

Banks farm, Quorrobolong

Fiona and Simon Banks workshop

Kinghorn farm, Byaduk

Agricultural yard cover
William Kinghorn agricultural yard cover

Kinghorn farm, Byaduk

Machinery shed
William Kinghorn machinery shed

Murphy James Builders, Canadian

Combined office and warehouse
Daniel James combined office and warehouse

Hammel hangar, Tyabb

Aircraft hangar
Conrad Hammel aircraft hangar

Powercor, Epsom

Industrial depot
Powercor industrial depot

Healy farm, Binya

Hay shed
Greg Healy hay shed

Serafin Machinery, Griffith

Combined showroom and workshop
Darryl Serafin combined showroom and workshop

Southland Supply Group, Wagga Wagga

Tim Pridham warehouse

Resicare Builders, Mitchell Park

Industrial depot
Adam Parker transport depot

Evolve North, Shepparton

Combined office and warehouse
Evolve North combined office and warehouse

Telford Cartage & Excavations, Apollo Bay

Clint Telford agricultural workshop

Saleyards, Corowa

Saleyard cover
MKM agricultural yard cover

Jardine Homes, Drysdale

Stable complex
Jardine Homes stable complex

Swinkles arena , Cambrian Hill

Indoor dressage arena
Lindy Swinkles indoor dressage arena

Frankling building, East Bendigo

Chris Frankling warehouse

Gravitas Energy, Koonoomoo

Industrial storage
Industrial storage shed

Newell custom house, Woodend

Architectural portal framed house
Lyn Newel custom house

Maher farm, Dean

Bulk storage shed
Daniel Maher bulk storage sheds

Kalianna School, North Bendigo

Assembly area cover
BLR  Provincial Construction assembly area cover

Just Freight, Bundaberg

Bernie Kemps warehouse

Furphy equestrian complex, Lancefield

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Jo Furphy combined indoor arena and stable complex

Cockram arena, Kyneton

Indoor riding arena
Rob Cockram indoor riding arena

Barber farm, Redesdale

Machinery shed
Duncan Barber machinery shed

Victorian Goldfields Railway, Castlemaine

Industrial workshop
Graeme Alford industrial workshop

Australian Meat Group, Cootamundra

Production and manufacturing building
David Sirotic production and manufacturing building

Griffiths custom house, Redesdale

Architectural portal framed house
Christina Griffiths custom house

GreenCon, Simpson

Intensive animal husbandry shed
Greencon intensive animal husbandry shed

Saleyards, Scone

Saleyard cover
Thompson Longhorn agricultural yard cover

Dillion arena, Bilpin

Indoor dressage arena
Wayne Dillon Indoor dressage arena

Northmore stables, Murchison North

Stable complex
T Graham & R Notman stable complex

TVD Group, Corio

Combined office and warehouse
Tim Van Dreven combined office and warehouse

Moraghan custom shed, Little Hampton

Architectural portal framed shed
Phillip Moraghan custom shed

Kookas Country Cookies, Donald

Combined office and manufacturing building
Donald Steel office and manufacturing building

Frauenfelder Gates, North Albury

MacJac warehouse

PR & SJ McCaskie, Back Creek

Machinery shed
Paul McCaskie machinery shed

Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve, Sunbury

Club room
MKM club room

Walton farm, Rokewood

Hay shed
Adam Walton hay shed

Powercor, Horsham

Industrial Workshop
Raysett Constructions workshop

Teunon custom house, Tocumwal

Architectural portal framed house
John Teunon custom house

Stenning arena, Byron bay

Indoor riding arena
Skye Stenning indoor riding arena

Vysotskiy farm, Kilmore East

Machinery shed
Ivan Vysotskiy machinery shed

Weight hopper shed, East Bendigo

Industrial storage
Fairbrother storage shed

Adams equestrian complex, Bullengarook

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Troy Adams combined indoor arena and stable complex

Tyrepower, Creswick

Combined showroom and workshop
MKM showroom and workshop

Elders, Benalla

Hay shed
Peter Barri hay shed

Elders, Benalla

Machinery shed
Peter Barri machinery shed

Bailey hangar, Leongatha South

Aircraft hangar
Jess bailey aircraft hangar

Woolley arena, Belgrave South

Indoor riding arena
Ken and Helen Woolley indoor riding arena

Saleyards, Warnambool

Saleyard cover
 Bolden Constructions - Leigh Duffy agricultural yard cover

Morton's Earthmoving, Lannercost

Machinery shed
Brian Morton machinery shed

Bottle shop, Daylesford

Combined tasting and brewery building
Eddy Comelli brewery buildings

Polkinghorne farm, Wedderburn

Bulk storage shed
Sean Polkinghorne bulk storage sheds

SES, Sunbury

Emergency services building
Raysett emergency services building

Airport, West Wyalong

Aircraft hangar
Alex Saju aircraft hangar

Southern Cross Feeds, Eddington

Hay shed
Phil Toose hay shed

Earle arena, Narre Warren East

Indoor riding arena
Tracey Earle indoor riding arena

Turner farm, Vite Vite

Hay shed
Chris Turner hay shed

ASQ, Castlemaine

Combined retail and hardware store
Tim Bird retail and hardware store

Woo equestrian complex, Nar Nar Goon North

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Jennifer Woo combined indoor and stable complex 2

CBG & LV Brumby, Corindhap

Machinery shed
Campbell Brumby machinery shed

Brisan Lodge, Mead

Intensive animal husbandry shed
Mason Fehring intensive animal husbandry shed

Toohey farm, Parwan

Hay shed
Brodie Toohey hay shed

Signature stables arena, Middle Dural

Indoor riding arena
Heath Clarke indoor riding arena

Rodgers farm, Eden Park

Machinery shed
Darren Rodgers machinery shed

Hateley Construct car showroom, Seymour

Combined showroom and workshop
Grant Hateley car showroom

Gould farm, Mysia

Shearing shed
Stuart Gould Proway shearing shed

Nicholson Construction, Corio

Combined office and warehouse
Stephen Allen office and warehouse

Goat farm, Bookaar

Intensive animal husbandry shed
Greencon intensive animal husbandry shed

Elders extension, Alfredton

Industrial storage
MKM industrial storage shed

Frew equestrian complex, Pearcedale

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Natalie Frew combined indoor arena and stable complex

Perryman Group, Minmindie

Machinery shed
Doug Perryman machinery shed

Carpert Court, Kyneton

Combined retail and hardware store
MKM retail and hardware store

Davidson arena, Flinders

Indoor dressage arena
Richard Davidson indoor dressage arena

Gentle Rein Therapies, Pearcedale

Indoor dressage arena
Troy Gent indoor dressage arena

Profound warehouse, East Bendigo

Combined office and warehouse
Pete Sens office and warehouse

Buchholz farm, Lismore

Hay shed
Ian Buchholz hay shed

Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange, Bungalally

Saleyard cover
Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange agricultural yard cover

Hansford building, Castlemaine

Combined office and warehouse
David Hansford office and warehouse

Holdsworth farm, Lake Bolac

Hay shed
Lachlan Holdsworth hay shed

Green farm, Clarkefield

Machinery shed
Ken Green machinery shed

PVS Training and Equine Services, Bowen

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Pamela and Matt Kingwill combined indoor arena and stable complex

Vickers arena, Mirboo North

Indoor riding arena
Victor Vickers indoor riding arena

Tingay Investments, Kyneton

Combined office and manufacturing building
Wren Group office and manufacturing building

Bravo equestrian complex, Freshwater Creek

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Brett Bravo combined indoor arena and stable complex

Williams farm, Lillimur

Hay shed
Mark Williams hay shed

So Soft Marshmallow Co, Delacombe

Combined office and manufacturing building
So Soft Marshmallow Co. combined office and manufacturing building

Cadogan custom house, Lancefield

Architectural portal framed house
David Cadogan custom house

O'Mahoney, Highcamp

Machinery shed
Ian O'Mahoney machinery shed

Structa-Shed, Robinvale

Structa-Shed warehouse

Smash Repairs, Gisborne

Industrial workshop
Chris Kaye industrial workshop

Munro farm, Riddells Creek

Machinery shed
David Munro machinery shed

Taylor arena, Terrey Hills

Indoor riding arena
Pamela Taylor indoor riding arena

Carey farm, Gordon

Hay shed
John Carey hay shed

Structor Projects, Narangba

Combined office and warehouse
Shayne White office and warehouse

Thomas equestrian complex, Tylden

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Brett and Samantha Thomas combined indoor arena and stable complex

Field farm, Cope Cope

Hay shed
Chris Fields Donald Steel hay shed

Findlay custom house, Porcupine Ridge

Architectural portal framed house
Allan and Donna Findlay custom house

Sheehan sheep yard, Skipton

Agricultural yard cover
John Sheehan agricultural yard cover

Bagley custom house, Newhaven

Architectural portal framed house
Carley Bagley custom house

Laraprinta farm, Dromana

Hay shed
Vicmesh Richard Hosking hay shed

Pell farm, Undera

Hay shed
Roland and Anne Pell hay shed

Building Group, Mildura

Combined office and warehouse
Sam Curran office and warehouse

Browne farm, Gunbower

Dairy building
Stephen Browne dairy building

Duncan arena, Bega

Indoor riding arena
Angie Duncan indoor riding arena

Bell Environmental, Sunshine North

Industrial workshop
Robert Bell industrial workshop

Torino Farming, Warburn

Machinery shed
Dem Torino machinery shed

Greenwood equestrian complex, Riddells Creek

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Ken and Anne Greenwood combined indoor arena and stable complex

Swim School, Leopold

Sports field cover
MKM sports field cover

Rural workshop, Worrinnen

Coota Contructions rural workshop

Athlegen, Ballarat

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Wombat Hills Estate, Dargo

Helicopter hangar
Brett McGrane helicopter hangar

Rogan Building, Boggabilla

Hay shed
Morella hay shed extension

DJ & AM Wallace extension, Ballangeich

Machinery shed
Paul Wallace machinery shed extension

Stewart Welding build, Hillston

Hay shed
Kai Stewart hay shed

Roycroft farm, Bookaar

Agricultural yard cover
Clarke Roycroft agricultural yard cover

Caruana farm, Myrniong

Machinery shed
Ted Caruana machinery shed

Perryman Group Building, Golden Square

Combined office and warehouse
Brad Perryman office and warehouse

Harrison stables, Gisborne

Stable complex
Michael Harrison stable complex

Elliot farm, Nandaly

Hay shed
Terry and Matt Elliott hay shed

Council Depot Shed, Centenary Park

Industrial depot
Kerrie James industrial depot

MKM building, Delacombe

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Beer farm, Maryborough

Bulk storage shed
David Beer storage shed

Phillips farm, Mannibadar

Machinery shed
Rob Phillips machinery shed

Frankie & Co Clothing, Bendigo

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Water Treatment Shed, Bacchus Marsh

Tim Way factory

Wilson farm, Durham Ox

Hay shed
Ed Wilson - Stringer hay shed

Grech equestrian complex, Narre Warren North

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Julian Grech combined indoor arena and stable complex

Calderwood arena, Lancefield

Indoor dressage arena
Kylie Calderwood indoor dressage arenas

Comdain Pastoral, Merton

Hay shed
Shane Crawford hay shed

Wallace farm, Hilldean

Hay shed
Michael Wallace hay shed

Dalton farm, Merriwagga

Bulk storage shed
Carl Dalton bulk storage sheds

Coutts farm, Moolort

Hay shed
Alister Coutts C/O Phil Toose hay shed

Lakeview Resources, Arcadia

Stable complex
Peter Carrick stable complex

Davis farm, Nathalia

Machinery shed
Peter Davis machinery shed

Leversha equestrian complex, Sutton Grange

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Ben Leversha combined indoor arena and stable complex

Richmond farm, Little River

Bulk storage shed
Jock Richmond bulk storage sheds

Burnett arena, Birregurra

Indoor dressage arena
Nigel and Tanya Burnett indoor dressage arena

Toose farm, Lake Marmal

Hay shed
Vaughn Toose - AL & NF Stringer hay shed

Jennison farm, Moama

Machinery shed
Graeme Jennison machinery shed

Truck Wash, Kyneton

Industrial depot
BLR Provincial Construction transport depot

Ayesh farm, Bookaar

Intensive animal husbandry shed
GreenCon - Ayesh intensive animal husbandry shed

Wilsolve Ag Solutions, Wangaratta

Grant Wilson warehouse

Blurton and Kirk equestrian complex, Gnarwarre

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
SA Blurton and RA Kirk combined indoor arena and stable complex

Inline Concrete Pumping, Eden Park

Machinery shed
Josh Parnis machinery shed

Stecher Agricultural Services, Tablik

Hay shed
Richard Stecher hay shed

Alexander farm, Tarnagulla

Hay shed
Darren Alexander hay shed

Growers Services, Griffith

Steven Ayling workshop

Holgate Brewing Building, Woodend

Combined tasting and brewery building
JBJ Builders brewery building

Shoobridge arena, Lancefield

Indoor riding arena
David Shoobridge indoor riding arena

The Midfield Group, Grassmere

Machinery shed
The Midfield Group machinery shed

Kane farm, Barraport

Hay shed
Matthew Kane hay shed

HW Greenham & Sons, Tongala

Industrial storage
HW Greenham & Sons industrial storage shed

Trans Tank International, Nathalia

Andre Buchner warehouse

Searle Bros, Alma

Hay shed
Paul Hutcheson hay sheds

Ross farm, Poowong North

Ian Ross feedlot

Booley farm, Inverleigh

Machinery shed
Steven Booley machinery shed

Rock Brook farm, Bung Bong

Hay shed
Hugh Bucknall hay shed

Rotherham farm, Wycheproof

Bulk storage shed
Rotherham bulk storage shed extension

Diprose farm, Simpson

Dairy building
Gerard Diprose dairy building

Brackenhurst patato farm, Clarkes Hill

Packing shed
Paul Prendergast packing shed

McPhee arena, Willow Vale

Indoor dressage arena
McPhee Freight indoor dressage arena

Yulong Stud, Mangalore

Stable complex
Yulong Stud stable complex 4

Morton farm, Shelford

Machinery shed
William Morton machinery shed

Sandyhill farms, Naringal

Intensive animal husbandry shed
Brett Membrey intensive animal husbandry shed

Walma Merino Stud, Gurrundah

Hay shed
Alan McCormack -machinery shed

Christie farm, Kulwin

Machinery shed
Phillip Christie machinery shed

Cook equestrian complex, Newbury

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Ray Cook combined indoor arena and stable complex

Avard Civil, East Bendigo

Combined office and warehouse
Glen Avard office and warehouse

Gilmour farm, Cope Cope

Shearing shed
Colin Gilmour Donald Steel shearing shed

Brewis farm, Willaura

Hay shed
Lynden Brewis hay shed

Pipecon constructions, Ballarat West

Industrial workshop
Andrew Mahar industrial workshop

Alan Cook, Narraport

Machinery shed
Alan Cook machinery shed

Roderick arena, Little River

Indoor dressage arena
Wes and Karli Roderick indoor dressage arena

Kerfab Industries, Kerang

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

B2B Project & Construction Management stables, Mittagong

Stable complex
B2B Project & Construction Management stable complex

Cossar Farms, Natte Yallock

Shearing shed
Mark Cossar shearing shed

Keating's Transport, Golden Gully

Industrial depot
Perryman Group transport depot

Collector Wind Farm. Goulburn

Tamas Csako factory

Chivers custom shed, Creswick

Architectural portal framed shed
Scott & Anna Chivers - Creswick Build custom shed

Castlegate James, Broadford

Bulk storage shed
Steven Hill storage shed

Mount Prospect Produce, Rocklyn

Machinery shed
Rod Fraser machinery shed

CFA Pump Shed, Huntly

Emergency services building
Raysett emergency services building

Carnoah Pastoral, Inverleigh

Hay shed
Michael Holmes hay shed

Rotary Dairy Shed, Bamawm

Dairy building
Bamawm rotary dairy building

Lockhart farm, Berrimal

Shearing shed
Tim Lockhart shearing shed

Smith building, Yendon

Mal Smith warehouse

Robbins arena, Molong

Indoor dressage arena
Kristine Robbins indoor dressage arena

Argo Farming, Inverleigh

Machinery shed
Jon Hart machinery shed

DirectBor, Corio

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Southern Cross Feeds, Eddington

Packing shed
Glen Caddy packing shed

Boyle equestrian complex, Scone

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Robyn Boyle combined indoor arena and stable complex

Molloy Ag, Skipton

Hay shed
Kiernan Molloy hay shed

MKM building, Breakwater

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Recreation Reserve, Mount Moriac

Club room
MKM club room

Alexander far, Lawloit

Machinery shed
Steven Alexander machinery shed

Ochre Farms, Yaapeet

Hay shed
Gene Fuller hay shed

Isaac farm, Inglewood

Hay shed
Mal and Linda Isaac hay shed

Mosca building, Hamilton

Emergency services building
Emergency services building

Keans Poultry, Bendigo

Harley Kean factory

Midland, Kyneton

Harvey Edmonds warehouse

Edmonston farm, Addington

Bulk storage shed
Charles Edmonston bulk storage shed

Excel Farms, Ecklin South

Agricultural yard cover
Tim Gubbins agricultural yard cover 3

Winther arena, Sunbury

Indoor dressage arena
Jo Winther indoor dressage arena

Chalmers Farms, Mysia

Machinery shed
Matt Chalmers machinery shed

Chalmers Farms, Mysia

Machinery shed
Matt Chalmers machinery sheds extension

Jardine farm, Carisbrook

Hay shed
Shane Jardine hay shed

Hobson Farming, Weatherboard

Hay shed
Doug Hobson hay shed

D & K Taylor Farming, Pound Creek

Hay shed
Darrin Taylor hay shed

IXOM, Botany Bay

Production and manufacturing building
Casey Ellingsworth production and manufacturing building

Thomas farm, Injune

Hay shed
Steven Thomas hay shed

Feakins farm, Cudgee

Hay shed
Kevin Feakins hay shed

Stewart Welding build, Griffith

Machinery shed
Kai Stewart machinery shed

Mann stables, Freshwater Creek

Stable complex
Travis Mann stable complex

Sefton Agronomics, Katamatite

Hay shed
Damien Pendleburry hay shed

Nicholls equestrian complex, New Gisborne

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Mark Nicholls combined indoor arena and stable complex

Olive farm, Charlton

Hay shed
Ian and John Olive hay shed

Baker arena, Freshwater Creek

Indoor dressage arena
Jenny Baker indoor dressage arena

Resicare Builders, Mitchell Park

Combined showroom and workshop
Adam Parker showroom and workshop

Track and Diesel, Echuca

Industrial workshop
Ashley Rankin industrial workshop

GR Smith Bulk Haulage, Narrandera

Machinery shed
Glenn Smith machinery shed

Sait farm, Nareewillock

Hay shed
Gavin Sait machinery shed

Eddy Comelli Trading, Daylesford

Multi-tenant factory and office complex
Eddy Comelli multi-tenant factory and office

Price stables, Pakenham South

Stable complex
Caroline Price stable complex

Price arena, Pakenham South

Indoor jumping arena
Caroline Price indoor jumping arena

Seers farm, Glengower

Machinery shed
Roderick and Jodie Seers machinery shed

Alan Mance Motors, Melton

Randall Mance warehouse

Motobean Roasters, Kyneton

Combined office and warehouse
George Opoczynski office and warehouse

Barlow equestrian complex, Exeter

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Damon Barlow combined indoor and stable complex

Matthews farm, Brewster

Hay shed
Helen and Ian Mathews hay shed

Keystone Kitchens, Cadello

Machinery shed
Phillip Romeril machinery shed

Nelson farm, Boort

Hay shed
Tyler Nelson hay shed

Smart Steel Designs coal storage, Morwell

Industrial storage
Joel Christian industrial storage shed

Ford stables, Coldstream

Stable complex
Rohan Ford stable complex

MaxJem build, Caramut

Agricultural yard cover
Andrew Marriott agricultural yard cover 1

Boat shed, Heidelberg

Bulk storage shed
William Cross storage shed

Antric Australia, Fairfield East

Combined office and warehouse
Ric Lewarne office and warehouse

Cervus Equiptment build, Tarrington

Agricultural yard cover
Troy Thomas agricultural yard cover

Windermere Oilseeds, Windermere

Production and manufacturing building
Alistair Ham production and manufacturing building

Windermere Oilseeds, Windermere

Agricultural yard cover
Alistair Ham agricultural yard cover

Green and Draper arena, Freshwater Creek

Indoor dressage arena
AP Green and FA Draper indoor dressage arena

Bennett farm, Lawloit

John Bennett workshop

Perryman farm, Mysia

Hay shed
Mark Perryman - Stringer hay shed

Donric Group, Sunbury

Industrial workshop
Matt Baird industrial workshop

Pham farm, Toolern Vale

Machinery shed
Thi Pham machinery shed

Lockhart farm, Berrimal

Bulk storage shed
Tim Lockhart bulk storage shed

Larsson farm, Baringhup West

Machinery shed
Robert Larsson machinery shed

Golden City Baptist Church, Golden Square

Assembly area cover
Allan Mitchell assembly area cover

Vereker custom shed, Kyneton

Architectural portal framed shed
Conrad Vereker custom shed

Maine Design and Construction, Castlemaine

Combined office and warehouse
Trevor Butcher office and warehouse

Tyler farm, Tongala

Machinery shed
Andrew Tyler machinery shed

Brown farm, Hillcrest

Hay shed
David Brown hay shed

McRae farm, Gre Gre North

Hay shed
Donald Steel hay shed

Bovill custom house, Tamleugh

Architectural portal framed house
Heather Bovill architectural portal framed house

Jarvis arena, Healesville

Indoor dressage arena
Anne Jarvis indoor dressage arena

Buildspec Constructions, Delacombe

Multi-tenant factory and office complex
Sam Ballantyne multi-tenant factories

Banks stables, Quorrobolong

Stable complex
Fiona and Simon Banks stable complex

Samson Park Equestrian Centre, Kyneton

Indoor riding arena
Katherine Davies indoor riding arena

Bear farm, Loddon Vale

Shearing shed
Graeme Bear shearing shed

Hoffman equestrian complex, Macedon

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Sidney Hoffman combined indoor arena and stable complex

Castle Co, East Bendigo

Multi-tenant factory and office complex
Ian Castles multi-tenant factory and office complexs

Warehouse extension, Yandina

Q-image construction factory

Ballentine farm, Hopetoun

Machinery shed
Dustin Ballentine machinery shed

Sonter arena, Exeter

Indoor dressage arena
Libby and Silas Sonter indoor dressage arena

Maballan Farming, Nareeb

Agricultural yard cover
Neil Roll agricultural yard cover

Milgate farm, Minyip

Hay shed
Colin Milgate hay shed

HBCC Civic Centre, Altona

Club room
MKM club room

Dyson, Kyneton

Industrial depot
Dzine Construction Group transport depot

Esterleigh Park Farms, Darraweit Guim

Hay shed
Ian Brewer hay shed

Matthews Joinery & Kitchen Centre, Kangaroo Flat

Combined office and warehouse
Rod Matthews office and warehouse

Munroe custom house, Mia Mia

Architectural portal framed house
Michael Munroe custom house

Sovereign Civils, Ballarat

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

BRG Drainage and Civil Earthworks, Buninyong

Machinery shed
Ben Gleeson machinery shed

Cavallaro farm, Katunga

Machinery shed
Alex Cavallaro machinery shed

Oliver equestrian complex, Woodend North

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Deborah Oliver combined indoor arena and stable complex

Office Vision, Mitchell Park

Combined office and warehouse
MKM office and warehouse

Mundie farm, Bamawm

Dairy building
Jared Mundie rotary dairy building

Parry farm, Shoreham

Hay shed
Rob Parry - TotalBuilt hay shed

Barwidgee Pastoral, Carramut

Machinery shed
David Kelly machinery shed

Wardley farm, Upper Plenty

Hay shed
Brent Wardley hay shed

Touhey and Sons, Colbinabbin

Hay shed
Pat Touhey hay shed

Lathum farm, Fish Creek

Dairy building
Matt Lathum rotary dairy building

Woods farm, Lean

Intensive animal husbandry shed
Des Wood pig shed

Searle Brothers building, Bendigo

Combined office and warehouse
Ben Sandeman office and warehouse

R & R McClures, Castlemaine

Industrial depot
R & R McClures industrial depot

Golden Grove Citrus, Tharbogang

Packing shed
Torren Sergi packing shed

South Pacific Seeds, Naracoorte

Industrial storage
South Pacific Seeds industrial storage shed

Byford Equipment, Moama

Industrial storage
Wes Gilbert industrial storage

Eid farm, Kilmore East

Hay shed
John Eid hay shed

Mine Tech Engineering, Nuriootpa

Aircraft hangar
Tom Glazbrook aircraft hangar

Rex Theatre, Charlton

Club room
Rex Theatre club room

Coolstore, Trentham

Architectural portal framed shed
JBJ Builders custom shed

Nicholson Construction build, Corio

Combined office and warehouse
Nicholson Construction combined office and warehouse

Storey arena, Dingee

Indoor dressage arena
Kate Storey indoor dressage arena

Reddel farm, Condobolin

Machinery shed
Archie Reddel machinery shed

Sutherland equestrian complex, Romsey

Combined indoor arena and stable complex
Hamish Sutherland combined indoor arena and stable complex

PROTI building, East Bendigo

James Kalamatas warehouse

Kowelec build, Castlemaine

Adrian Kowal warehouse

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